Signs Of A Concussion: How To Spot And Treat This Common Brain Injury
Today, head injuries are becoming an increasing concern. If you get a phone call from your child’s school or sports coach, or are a teacher or coach yourself, you need to know what to do in the case of a concussion or other head injury. Understanding and identifying the signs of a concussion will help you take the right steps to get treatment for those in your care.
What Is a Concussion?
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that is milder in nature than other brain injuries. It occurs when the brain shakes back and forth quickly, causing an altered mental state. This commonly happens when someone hits his or her head, but it can also happen in a whiplash injury.
What Are the Signs of a Concussion?
Learning to identify concussion symptoms, including mild concussion symptoms, is crucial if you are someone who works with kids, athletes or seniors; or if you are an athlete or senior yourself. People suffering from a concussion may experience:
Brief losses of consciousness
Problems with their memory
Feeling sluggish
Blurred or double vision
Nausea or vomiting
Sensitivity to light or noise
Problems with balance
Slowed reaction times
Those are the immediate symptoms. In the days after the concussion, while the brain recovers, the individual may experience:
Continued sensitivity to noise and light
Concentration problems
If you suspect that you or someone you care for has had a concussion, it’s important to get prompt medical attention. Any signs of severe head injuries mean you should head straight to the ER, but mild concussion symptoms can be easily tested and diagnosed by our immediate care facility. If you are noticing any of these symptoms, visit us immediately during our business hours or go to the emergency room.
Concussion Treatments and Prognosis
Most people who experience concussions in sports or after an accident are able to resume normal life activities after a period of rest. However, it’s important to have the necessary testing done to ensure that you do not have more serious head injures. It’s also important to follow the doctor’s orders for rest and post-concussion activities to avoid the chance of re-injuring the brain before it has fully recovered.
When you visit the doctor after a concussion, your doctor will perform a series of tests to determine the extent of your injury. This may include a neurological exam, CT scan or MRI scan. It’s also possible to use a computerized neurocognitive test called the ImPACT Test to assess neurocognitive abilities after head injuries.
Most patients are able to resume normal life after a period of rest. The rest, however, can be quite intense. Patients are asked not to watch TV, use their cellphones, and even listen to music as their brains rest. This can be difficult. However, it is the key to a successful recovery.
If after a period of rest, you continue to see signs of a concussion, it may be due to post concussion syndrome. Talk to Fast MD 4 You to discuss alternative treatments and the best methods to deal with this problem.
If you suspect someone you care about has had a concussion, we makes it easy to see a doctor. Simply visit our immediate care, without an appointment, at a time that is convenient to you, or give us a call at 470 – 424 – 8888.
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