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Please wear a mask when visiting our office.

Please wear a mask when visiting our office
Dear Patient,
The coronavirus pandemic presents us with a challenge, unlike anything we’ve seen in our lifetimes. As expected, Americans are responding. I am encouraged by data that show our efforts to stop its spread are making a difference.
In order to keep the infection rate down, it’s important that we continue to stay home, practice social distancing, wash hands regularly, and wear a mask if you must leave your home.
At Fast MD, we follow CDC guidelines and regularly look for ways to keep our patients and staff safe. Effective Monday, June 15th, we are requiring that all patients and visitors entering our offices cover their nose and mouth. You can do this with a scarf, a homemade cloth mask, or your own surgical mask.
Masks have been shown to decrease the spread of coronavirus from infected people, even those who do not have symptoms. Because of this, if your nose and mouth are not covered, you will not be allowed to enter our offices.
As we move through this pandemic, I’m hopeful that Fast MD will gradually reopen additional services in the coming weeks. I’d like to share some of the steps we’ve implemented to protect patients who have an in-person appointment:
We introduced Telehealth visits, which allow you to speak with a physician via a computer or mobile device from home.
All Fast MD staff are wearing masks and we have increased cleaning and sanitizing efforts in our offices.
If there is a silver lining to this pandemic it’s that we’re in this together. I’m heartened by stories of people helping neighbors, children making drawings for house-bound grandparents, or signs posted on mailboxes thanking postal carriers.
Thank you for making a difference.
Stay safe and healthy,
AJ Gupta, MD

Fast MD 4 You

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