Before I was a patient with Fast MD 4 You, I was a patient at another pain clinic that gave me no relief. I was in so much pain I just wanted to fall to my knees, cry and ask god if it was my time to go. I couldn’t even go to all of the events and activities my kids were in because I was just in too much pain. Then I switched over to Fast MD 4 you and I had staggering improvement in my pain relief. My pain wasn’t all instantly gone but Dr. AJ helped me take huge strides in reducing my pain with a regimen. The doctors never quit on me even when I was at my lowest point. Now I can get through a whole day of work and really live my life again. I will never forget what they have done for me and I am so grateful!
Free Blood Pressure Check Event This Saturday at Our Clinic! We are excited to offer…
Our mission is to expand access to healthcare for underserved communities, including African-American, Latino, Asian,…
Walk IN Office visits for Atlanta Urgent care cost $65. **Restrictions apply. This fee does…
Affordable Healthcare Access – New Patient Program Urgent Care Primary Care walk in Clinic, Suwanee,…
OFFICE HOURS: Suwanee Urgent and Primary Care Monday 12:00 PM TO 6:00 PM Tuesday 12:00…
New Primary Care Walk-In Clinic, Suwanee Georgia: No Appointment Needed!Need same-day care but don’t have…