One of the most common complaints to doctors, especially pain specialists, is neck pain. Neck pain can be experienced by anyone but is more common in women than men. Neck pain has a number of causes that can either be considered acute or chronic. When an injury has a sudden onset and lasts for less than three months, it is considered acute and is commonly caused by muscle strain, facet syndrome, or a traumatic injury. Chronic neck pain lasts longer than three months and is often a result of facet joint irritation, muscle sources, ligaments, and/or disc problems.
The vertebrae of the spine are set one atop another with soft discs between that act as cushions to reduce the impact to the cervical spinal column. Because the discs are soft, it is not uncommon for them to herniate posterior, or collapse backward through the ligaments and irritate close by nerves and even the spinal cord. Another major complaint and cause for surgery is disc disease. Disc disease can be caused by an injury, making it acute, but more often it is chronic pain caused by disc deterioration.
Degenerative Disc Disease is a continual process — the discs gradually thin due to dehydration and can lead to the compression of nearby nerves, tendons, and ligaments. Ligaments are attached to each vertebra to provide strength and mobility to the cervical spine, which has the job of providing support and mobility to the head and neck. It also protects the spinal cord as it emerges from the brain. There are also several muscles attached that provide movement. Nerves exit the spine to innervate the surrounding structures (skin and muscles) of the neck and arms. Strenuous lifting or exercising can irritate some nerves and cause pain.
The most flexible part of the spine is the cervical portion. This is the portion that makes it easy to strain. The Atlas and Axis are the top two cervical vertebrae and are responsible for the majority of rotational movement of the head. These vertebrae also form joints and connect the head to the spine. The first through third cervical nerves provide the head and face with sensation and cause headaches and facial pain when compressed. The greater and lesser occipital nerves also cause facial pain when compression or irritation occurs. The other cervical nerves combine to form a plexus of nerves that provide sensation to the arms. If affected, pain, weakness, loss of feeling, and other symptoms will be felt in the arms.
Some of the most common causes of neck pain are muscle strains, trauma or injury, stress, and herniated cervical disc.
The facet joints in the neck are also a common cause of neck pain. When the facet joints of the cervical vertebrae deteriorate, it is called Spondylosis (arthritis of the neck). Symptoms of spondylosis usually surface at about the age of 40 but can appear earlier if trauma is involved. When the head is extended backward, spondylosis will continue and often worsen if no steps are taken to resolve the problem.
Spinal Stenosis which is the narrowing of the central spinal canal is another major cause of neck pain. This happens because the narrowing can compress the spinal cord and surrounding nerve endings. Common complaints of spinal stenosis include shooting pain, cramping pain, and numbness in the back, neck, and arms, though symptoms are different depending on what part of the spine is affected.
Pain syndromes are usually worsened by depression, anxiety, and stress. Therefore, it is important to not only treat the physical pain, but also the psychological problems that often trouble chronic pain patients. A doctor will also likely look at a patient’s socioeconomic status and general medical health in considering treatment options.
Another common complication with neck pain is central sensitization, which is the development of both the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Injury and inflammation activate the PNS, which sends signals to the brain through the spinal cord. When central sensitization occurs, there is increased excitability of the CNS’s neurons, causing normal inputs from the primary nervous system to produce abnormal, often painful responses. Allodynia is characterized by minor stimuli (such as the wind blowing against the skin), causing pain symptoms. Hyperalgesia is characterized by a normally painful stimulus (bumping against something), causing much higher levels of pain than would normally be felt.
Some of the less common causes of neck pain include infection, tumors, spinal cord disorders, or vertebral compression fractures. Metastatic tumors (those which spread from another organ) are sometimes seen on the spine, also causing pain. These less common causes for neck pain require immediate response and a physician should be seen right away. When a patient experiences certain symptoms they should be taken to the emergency room to make sure a problem isn’t urgent. These symptoms include sudden blindness, paralysis, neck pain with altered level of consciousness, weakness, severe vomiting, changes in hearing/vision/and taste, bowel/bladder changes, recent weight changes, or fever.
The diagnosis of neck pain is often difficult. A physician will likely perform a physical exam to assess movement and tenderness. He/she will also often order radiological imaging depending on a patient’s history and clinical suspicion. Once a diagnosis is made, a treatment plan will be created by the patient and doctor. This will often include several modalities in order to achieve maximum results. Some of the treatments offered for neck pain include:
For more information on how we can help treat your neck pain, please contact us at 470-424-8888.
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