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17Apr, 2018

Medically Assisted Treatment is the standard of care for opioid use disorder

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It was a honor meeting Dr Elinore F. McCance-Katz, first assistant secretary for mental health and substance use with the Department of Health and Human Services at the American Society of Addiction Medicine Conference in San Diego. “Medically assisted treatment ,” said Elinore F. McCance-Katz, first assistant secretary for mental health and substance use with the Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. McCance-Katz spoke Friday to thousands of psychiatrists and other health and social work professionals at the annual conference of the American Society of Addiction Medicine in San […]

2Feb, 2018

How long will I be in Suboxone treatment?

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Every person is different. The length of time in treatment depends on many factors: How long the person has been using What drugs they were taking Willingness to fully engage in the program Strength of support system Level of physical wellness Many other things contribute to how long it might take to be well again. It’s safe to say that most people with our center  are patients with us for at least one year. Contact us!  There are lots of ways to do that. Visit  our website Call our number (470) 424-8888 […]

1Feb, 2018

What will we talk about in addiction medicine counseling sessions?

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What will we talk about in counseling sessions? There’s a lot to talk about during your treatment at Fast MD. Like you, we wish for your complete recovery so you can move on to the things in life that bring you balance, health, and happiness. To get there, we start with a Psychosocial Assessment. Going forward we will begin by discussing the following topics: The Biology of Addiction & Recovery Orientation to Medication-Assisted  Treatment (MAT) Early Recovery Triggers, Thoughts, Cravings, Use External Triggers Internal Triggers Your Body Chemistry in Addiction […]

14Dec, 2017

Suboxone Medication Assisted Treatment

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FAST MD 4 YOU MD Urgent Care, a physician owned and operated urgent care company, will now offer Suboxone Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) at their Suwanee GA Clinic, located at 3473 Lawrenceville – Suwanee Road,in the business condominiums next to IHOP. This new service will be offered in addition to their comprehensive current Urgent care, Mental Health and Chronic Pain services. Opioid addiction continues to be an epidemic nationwide. Those seeking treatment have limited options, and many are even waitlisted due to scarce local resources. In an effort to help patients in their communities […]

9Oct, 2017

Can Suboxone Help Chronic Pain

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Anyone who suffers from chronic pain knows how difficult it is to lead a normal life. Chronic pain is not only physically debilitating, but can also become psychologically and emotionally debilitating as well. Your ability to perform your job and day-to-day tasks is challenged and your personal relationships often suffer because of the mental and emotional toll your chronic pain takes on you. One of the most widely used methods of chronic pain management is through the use opioid medications. Opioids such as Vicodin, oxycodone, morphine, codeine and other related […]

3Sep, 2017

Suboxone Q & A

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What is Suboxone film? Suboxone film is a prescription medicine which contains buprenorphine and naloxone. The drug is used to treat adults who are dependent on or addicted to opioids, either prescription medications or illegal. Suboxone film is used to address opioid dependence and should be utilized as part of a complete treatment plan which includes counseling and psychosocial care. It can help those with addictions to OxyContin, Opana, Norco, Vicodin, Percocet, heroin and methadone. The clinic is private and affordable and employs highly trained Suboxone-licensed professionals who provide the […]

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