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23May, 2016


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Acute Bronchitis What is acute bronchitis? When you have acute bronchitis, the air passages between your windpipe and your lungs are swollen and irritated. You have a bad cough and pain in your chest when you breathe deeply or cough. How does it happen? Acute bronchitis is most often caused by a virus, like a cold or the flu. It can also be caused by bacteria. Most of the time, it clears up in a few days. It may take you longer to get better if: You smoke cigarettes. You […]

22May, 2016


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Cellulitis What is cellulitis? Cellulitis is an infection of the skin and underlying tissue caused by streptococcal, staphylococcal, or other bacteria. This infection is serious and should receive immediate medical attention. Without treatment the infection can damage skin tissues and spread quickly through the bloodstream to the entire body. It could become life threatening. Cellulitis is usually worse if you have a lowered resistance to infection because of an illness or disorder such as HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or a weak immune system. How does it occur? Cellulitis can be caused by […]

21May, 2016

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) Overview This condition is a painful compression of a nerve in the wrist that can interfere with a person’s ability to use the wrist and the hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a progressive condition that can worsen without proper care. Anatomy The carpal tunnel is a passageway in the wrist formed by the carpal ligament and the bones of the hand. This passageway protects the hand’s main nerve (called the median nerve). Branches of the median nerve travel to the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers. […]

9May, 2016


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Depression Symptoms and Signs One of the things that can make a diagnosis of depression difficult is that not all patients exhibit exactly the same symptoms and signs. Different individuals will experience different frequencies, levels of severity, and length of time for their symptoms — depending on their particular situation and how far their illness has progressed. Nonetheless, some of the typical signs of depression may include: Ongoing feelings of sadness, anxiousness or hopelessness Persistent feelings of guilt, worthlessness or helplessness Chronic irritability and/or restlessness Lack of interest in formerly […]

9May, 2016

Water and Dehydration

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Water & Dehydration During those hot summer days, it is important to remember to hydrate often.Your body is made up of about 45%-75% water, depending on how much fat you have; therefore, water should be part of your daily routine.Lack of water can cause dehydration which can lead to thirst, dry skin, loss of appetite, fatigue/weakness, and much more1. The recommended amount of water needed by CNN Health is a little more than 8 cups2, though for men and women it varies a bit. According to the Institute of Medicine, […]

8May, 2016

CDC Pain Management Guidelines March 2016

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What is the purpose of the new guideline? The guideline helps providers make informed decisions about pain treatment for patients 18 and older in primary care settings. The recommendations focus on the use of opioids in treating chronic pain—pain lasting longer than three months or past the time of normal tissue healing. The guideline is not intended for patients who are in active cancer treatment, palliative care, or end-of-life care. Opioids pose a risk to all patients. The guideline encourages providers to implement best practices for responsible prescribing. Use nonopioid […]

7May, 2016

Trigger Point Injections

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What are the indications for trigger point injections? A trigger point injection is generally indicated to treat painful areas of muscle or knots of muscle that can form in any muscle of the body. These knots or trigger points are oftentimes able to felt when touching the painful, affected muscle. Also, trigger points may irritate surrounding nerves and cause referred pain, or pain that is felt in another part of the body. How do trigger point injections help my pain? Once the diagnosis of a trigger point is made, you […]

9Feb, 2016

Ear Infections

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Ear Infections Causes Ear infections often happen in children with a cold, sore throat, or allergies. These cause the nose and throat to swell and block the tube that drains fluid out of the middle ear (see drawing). Fluid backs up behind the eardrum, and germs spread to the middle ear. This can cause ear pain and fever. Anyone can get an ear infection, but children get them more often than adults. Symptoms Some symptoms of an ear infection include: Fever Earache Pulling or rubbing the ear Not eating as […]

8Feb, 2016

Bronchitis / Cough

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Bronchitis / Cough Bronchitis is a respiratory disease in which the mucus membrane in the lungs’ bronchial passages becomes inflamed. There are two forms of bronchitis: acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is less serious and typically lasts from one to three weeks, while chronic bronchitis is a more serious form and usually lasts at least three months of the year for two years in a row. Symptoms of Bronchitis Coughing Shortness of breath Fatigue Swelling or inflammation of the bronchi Fever and chills Runny nose Production of mucus Bronchitis is […]

2Feb, 2016

Preventing Indoor Allergies

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Preventing Indoor Allergies They say, “Home is where the heart is”. However, if you’re allergic to your own house, this isn’t the case. A lot of people are diagnosed allergic to something in their own homes. There are certain allergens like moths, dirt, dust, and mosquitoes that can trigger allergic reactions in the house. People with asthma can also be allergic to cat and dog fur. These allergens can cause several respiratory problems including coughing, sneezing and asthma, in addition to rashes and boils. Individuals have different types of allergic […]

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