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2Nov, 2016

Empty Nest Depression

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Empty Nest Depression For thousands of parents, the end of summer also brings the arrival of “the empty nest syndrome,” when one or more children leave home for college. Middle age brings many life changes one of which is having to discover living a new lifestyle – an “empty nest” one. A parent may experience sadness, grief, loss, and loneliness when the children leave home; for many, these negative feelings may linger on, developing into depression. Treatment for Empty Nest Depression It is normal to feel sadness, grief and loss […]

28Oct, 2016

Supporting Someone in Pain

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Supporting Someone in Pain It can be difficult to care for someone with chronic pain. You can feel helpless having done all you can for your loved one and still seeing them suffer. Living with a Loved One with Chronic Pain It can be difficult to care for a person experiencing chronic pain. You can feel helpless having done all you can for your loved one and still seeing them suffer. This can lead to exhaustion and occasionally even resentment on the part of the caretaker. Burnout is very common […]

27Oct, 2016


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Fibromyalgia is one of the most common chronic pain conditions as it affects more than 5 million people in the United States. Most people feel the symptoms of fibromyalgia when they are middle aged. Typically, fibromyalgia affects more women than men. Like most pain conditions, many people experience the pain long before it is diagnosed. Routine lab tests do not detect the widespread pain of fibromyalgia. As a result, treating this pain has become a challenge for patients and their caregivers. Fibromyalgia is a common syndrome in which a person […]

26Oct, 2016


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Gout What is Gout? Who gets it? Gout is a type of painful, inflammatory (red, swollen) arthritis. It’s caused by buildup of a salt called uric acid in the joints and other places in the body. It’s the most common type of inflammatory arthritis in men over 40, and is common in men even in their 20’s and 30’s. Women commonly get gout as well, but most often women get it after menopause. There are an estimated 8.3 million people with gout in the U.S. at this time – almost […]

21Oct, 2016


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Bursitis Bursitis Pain Stops Here / Break the Code – Stop the Pain Learn to Prevent, Treat, and Plan Experts from Right Diagnosis report almost 9 million people in America battle bursitis. Which makes it ultra-important that you take a few minutes to learn what you can do about it. What is Bursitis? The bursa acts like a pillow between your tendons, joints, bones and muscles, according to experts at Medical News Today. These sacs are filled with fluid and are called bursae and when they become inflamed you will […]

20Oct, 2016

Auto Accident Injuries

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Auto Accident Injuries Can Be Beat Get Pain-Free TODAY Auto accident injuries are devastating! reports approximately 80 people are killed on US roads each day and there are over 5,400,000 non-fatal car crashes every year. Survivors of these collisions often wind up dealing with chronic pain for life. Some of which is debilitating and progressive. It’s critical that you take care of the pain so you can live your life to the fullest. Auto accident injuries are NOT to be taken lightly! Step One is to identify the pain […]

22Sep, 2016

Fall Promotion !!

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$ 49.99 Special Rate for Urgent Care Patients(Does not include Lab Tests or Pain Evaluation) This Promotion Expires December 31, 2016. Please call 470-424-8888 and make an appointment today or Just Walk in.

12Aug, 2016

Fast MD 4 You Clinic is looking for a Medical Receptionist

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Fast MD 4 You Clinic is looking for a Medical Receptionist to work from 5 PM to 8 PM Monday to Friday. Job Purpose: Serves patients by greeting and helping them; scheduling appointments; maintaining records. Duties: * Welcomes patients and visitors by greeting patients, in person or on the telephone; answering or referring inquiries. * Optimizes patients’ satisfaction, provider time, and treatment room utilization by scheduling appointments in person or by telephone. * Keeps patient appointments on schedule by notifying provider of patient’s arrival * Comforts patients by answering patients’ […]

3Aug, 2016

Acute Bronchitis

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Acute bronchitis is a form of lower respiratory tract inflammation affecting the air tubes (bronchi) of the lungs. Key Facts Acute bronchitis comes on suddenly. It means that the tubes that carry air to your lungs are inflamed. It usually gets better on its own without the need for antibiotics. The infection usually lasts for 3-10 days; but the cough can continue for several weeks. It is different from chronic bronchitis, a chronic disease for which there is no cure. What Is Acute Bronchitis? Acute bronchitis is the sudden development […]

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