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9Jan, 2017

The Many Benefits of Keeping a Healthy Lifestyle

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Today especially, it is so important to live a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and eating healthy. Whether you’re an athlete or just a normal person who values his or her health, taking care of yourself is paramount. Some benefits of leading a healthy, active lifestyle are maintaining mental health, having more energy, living a longer life, and looking better. Exercising does not have to be vigorous exercise all the time. Fast MD 4 You Urgent Care Clinic, here in Suwanee, can help you to live a better, healthier life. […]

6Jan, 2017

Narcan is a life saver !!!

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What is NARCAN® Nasal Spray? NARCAN® Nasal Spray is a prescription medicine used for the treatment of an opioid emergency such as an overdose or a possible opioid overdose with signs of breathing problems and severe sleepiness or not being able to respond. NARCAN® Nasal Spray is to be given right away and does not take the place of emergency medical care. Get emergency medical help right away after giving the first dose of NARCAN® Nasal Spray, even if the person wakes up. NARCAN® Nasal Spray is safe and effective […]

3Jan, 2017

New Year Goals 2017

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The New Year is here – and with it comes all the New Year’s resolutions. But instead of the typical resolutions, which always seem to get broken within the first month, consider setting some achievable goals that will not only lead to a happier you in 2017, but a more pain-free one, too! Weed out the negative Nancys in your life. “If the people in your life are demanding and not very supportive, then it could actually make things worse,”. Make your goal this year be to surround yourself with […]

22Dec, 2016


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OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION SAFETY TIPS Many people think overdoses and interactions are caused mainly by prescriptions, but over-the-counter (OTC) medications are also responsible for many hospital trips and even fatalities, so it is important to know these guidelines before using: Think Before Reaching for OTC Medications out of Habit OTC drugs also carry significant risks if misused such as internal bleeding or liver damage. There are many that can interact with prescribed, worsen pre-existing conditions, or conflict with other commonly used OTC medications. Always Check the Ingredients Aside from […]

21Dec, 2016


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According to the CDC approximately 48 million (1 in 6) Americans contract food poisoning each year. Because of its prevalence, it is important to know the facts about food poisoning so you can do your best to avoid it: Foodborne illness is preventable with proper hygiene and caution. There are over 250 types of known foodborne infections and illnesses. Contaminated fruits and Veggies account for about 1/4th of all food poisoning cases A foodbourne illness outbreak occurs when 2 or more people become ill from the same food source. 1 […]

20Dec, 2016


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Obesity (being more than 20% over your healthy weight) can complicate many diseases as well as increase the likelihood of developing certain conditions. However, not all people with these conditions are obese, and not all obese people will go on to contract health problems such as these. Diseases are complex, and often develop from a culmination of different risk factors such as lifestyle or family history. However, people who are obese are at much greater risk of developing these health problems or worsening existing health issues such as these: Type […]

19Dec, 2016


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SHOULD YOU GIVE PROBIOTICS A TRY? Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that help you maintain good health and digestive balance. They are essentially the “good bacteria” you hear so much about. Probiotics occur naturally in the body and are also available in supplement form as well as probiotic-rich foods. There are different types of probiotics, the two chief strains are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Probiotics and Irritable Bowel Syndrome There have been many studies conducted on the topic of probiotics and stomach problems with mixed results, but a good number […]

7Dec, 2016

Treatments and Drugs for Hot Flashes

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Treatments and Drugs for Hot Flashes The most effective treatment for hot flashes is estrogen, but taking this hormone can increase your risk of developing other health problems. Medications such as antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs also may help reduce hot flashes. Discuss the pros and cons of various treatments with your doctor. If hot flashes don’t interfere with your life, you may not need treatment. For most women, hot flashes fade gradually within a few years. Hormone therapy Estrogen and progesterone are the hormones used to reduce hot flashes. Women […]

4Dec, 2016

How Exercise Can Reduce Pain

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Exercise Exercise is vital to our physical and emotional health. Exercise can improve quality of life, decrease pain, improve muscle tone and posture, increase strength and stamina, and improve circulation and respiration. Exercise has been shown to reduce blood fat levels by changing large blood fat globules into smaller ones that move easily through the bloodstream and are less likely to clog arteries. Exercise is also good for the mind. It invigorates and energizes to help relieve tension and anxiety. Types of Exercise There are several different types of exercise […]

3Dec, 2016

Chronic Pain and Travel

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Chronic Pain and Travel For people with chronic pain, the thought of travel can be clouded with worry about the effect that changes in routine and environment will have on their ability to manage pain. The truth is that with a little pre-planning, chronic pain can be managed well when far from home. Here are some simple tips for remaining comfortable on your journey. Tip #1 – A good start can set the tone for the whole trip. One way to avoid the stress and fatigue that can make chronic […]

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