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16Apr, 2017

What is Hip / SI Joint Pain?

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What is Hip / SI Joint Pain? The hip is the largest joint in the body, and is involved in nearly every movement we make. Because of its high use, its also meant to be quite durable. Whenever you use the hip (for example, by going for a run), a cushion of cartilage helps prevent friction as the hip bone moves in its socket. Despite its durability, the hip joint isn’t indestructible. With age and use, the cartilage can wear down or become damaged. Muscles and tendons in the hip can […]

15Apr, 2017

What is shoulder pain?

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What is shoulder pain? Shoulder pain is one of the more common reasons for physician visits for musculoskeletal symptoms. The shoulder is the most movable joint in the body. However, it is an unstable joint because of the range of motion allowed. This instability increases the likelihood of joint injury, often leading to a degenerative process in which tissues break down and no longer function well. Shoulder pain may be localized or may be deferred to areas around the shoulder or down the arm. Disease within the body (such as gallbladder, […]

30Mar, 2017

Yoga Beats Drugs for Depression: Study

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The practice of yoga coupled with deep breathing eased the symptoms of individuals suffering from depression without the use of potentially harmful medication, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Major depressive disorder or MMD, or depression, is a common mood disorder causing sadness and serious mental health issues. Depression affects about 16 million Americans each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers from Boston University Medical Center who conducted the latest study concluded that twice weekly yoga classes […]

29Mar, 2017

Drug Safety Tips

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Drug Safety Tips Keep medicine in its original container. Never share your medication or take someone else’s. Follow the dosage instructions carefully. Monitor your reactions to your medications. Store medication out of children’s reach. Do not chew or crush medications unless directed. Know the names and dosages of your medications in the case of a health emergency. Inform your doctor of any medications you are taking that were prescribed by another doctor. Do not save or use prescriptions past their expiration date. Use only one pharmacy to fill your prescriptions […]

20Mar, 2017

Benzos, Sleep, Memory, Dementia

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  It’s been 3 years since BMJ (formerly The British Medical Journal) published “Benzodiazepine use and risk of Alzheimer’s disease: case-control study” (BMJ 2014; 349:g5205). The main conclusion was that using benzodiazepines (“ben-zoe-dye-AIZE-uh-peenz” or BZDs or benzos, which include Klonopin/clonazepam, Xanax/alprazolam, Valium/diazepam, Ativan/lorazepam, Restoril/temazepam, and others) for more than 90 days resulted in an increased risk for dementia of the Alzheimer type after age 66. We are certainly alerting our patients to this problem.

16Mar, 2017

Ibuprofen and other common over the counter painkillers !!!

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Ibuprofen and other common painkillers are linked to an increased risk of cardiac arrest, according to a new Danish study published in the European Heart Journal—Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. The authors say these drugs should be used with caution and that people with heart problems may want to avoid them.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, are among the most commonly used drugs worldwide. Previous studies have linked them to increased risk of heart attack and stroke, heart failure and high blood pressure. Because some of them are sold over the counter, experts worry […]

15Mar, 2017

Skin Cancer

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Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells, and is the most common and treatable type of cancer that people develop. Though people of all skin colors can get skin cancer, individuals with light skin that sunburns easily are at higher risk. In addition to sun exposure, other risk factors are a family history of skin cancer, certain genetic disorders, exposure to x-rays, scarring from a disease or burn, and exposure to cancer-causing compounds such as arsenic. There are several different types of skin cancers including actinic keratoses (AK), […]

3Mar, 2017

Spinal Stenosis

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Spinal Stenosis Symptoms: Spinal stenosis is a condition involving any type of narrowing of the spinal canal or nerve-root canals. The narrowing of the spinal canal results in compression of spinal nerves and nerve roots, causing a number of symptoms, including lower back pain, feelings of cramping or weakness in the back and lower extremity pain. Causes: The most common form of spinal stenosis is from degeneration of the spine leading to stenosis. Degenerative spinal stenosis effects virtually the entire adult population as a result of the natural process of […]

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