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27Jun, 2017

Hiring Medical Esthetician/Laser Technician

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Looking to Hire Medical Esthetician/Laser Technician. We are starting a medical spa/body contouring business along with Urgent Care Clinic in the Suwanee area. Please let us know if you know someone who is looking for a new job with experience in this field. Thank you. Dr. AJ 470-424-8888 JOB SUMMARY : The ideal candidate is responsible for the delivery of elective skin care for patients, working under the supervision of our physicians. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: 1. High school diploma; college degree preferred. 2. Two-years experience in a medical office working […]

14Jun, 2017

Suboxone for Opioid Dependence

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We prescribe Suboxone for Opioid dependence #Suboxone therapy #, Addiction treatment #Opioid dependence OPIOID DEPENDENCY The opioid epidemic has swept across our country and has shattered countless lives. We are on the front line fighting this battle every day. For you. Using evidence-based treatment strategies, we customize a plan to help you beat narcotic addiction from pain pills to heroin. Our program uses proven medications that can help you control drug cravings, drug seeking behavior, and withdrawal symptoms. We integrate counseling into every session so that you can share your […]

28May, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend 2017

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We are open on the Memorial Day Weekend by Appointments only. Please contact Dr. AJ at 470-424-8888 if you need to be seen this weekend.  

22May, 2017

Next Door Social Network for You, Your Neighbors and Your Community.

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Nextdoor is the private social network for you, your neighbors and your community. It’s the easiest way for you and your neighbors to talk online and make all of your lives better in the real world. And it’s free. Thousands of neighborhoods are already using Nextdoor to build happier, safer places to call home. Please recommend our clinic Fast MD 4 You Urgent Care – Pain Clinic to your neighbors on next-door. Fast MD 4 You Walk-In Urgent Care & Pain Clinic 3473 Lawrenceville- Suwanee Road Suite D, Suwanee, GA 30024 (470) […]

19May, 2017


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Successful weight-loss treatments include setting goals and making lifestyle changes, such as eating fewer calories and being physically active. Medicines and weight-loss surgery also are options for some people if lifestyle changes aren’t enough. Set Realistic Goals Setting realistic weight-loss goals is an important first step to losing weight. For Adults Try to lose 5 to 10 percent of your current weight over 6 months. This will lower your risk for coronary heart disease (CHD) and other conditions. The best way to lose weight is slowly. A weight loss of […]

19May, 2017

Leg Pain

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General Leg pain can be intermittent or constant. It can start gradually or suddenly. The pain can range from mild achiness, to severe and unrelenting shooting pain. There are traumatic causes of pain from injury, but also several different diseases that can cause significant leg pain, numbness or swelling. Causes There are many, many potential causes of leg pain. Chondromalacia patella. Degenerative changes cause soft spots or wear-and-tear changes to underside of knee cap (patella). Degenerative Disc Disease. Thinning of spinal discs often causes pressure on nerve roots exiting the […]

18May, 2017


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All people with anorexia need treatment. In most cases, this involves seeing a doctor and having regular counseling sessions. A hospital stay is needed for those who are seriously underweight or who have severe medical problems. The goals of treatment are to restore a healthy weight and healthy eating habits. If you have an eating disorder, try not to resist treatment. Although you may be very afraid of gaining weight, try to think of weight gain as a life-saving measure. With help, you can learn to eat well and keep […]

13May, 2017

Failed Back Surgery Syndrom

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Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Although some in the medical field take issue with the word “failed” in Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, patients who continue to suffer with chronic pain after surgery really don’t care what you call it. They just want the pain to stop. The name Failed Back Surgery Syndrome is kind of a misnomer. Often times the surgeon is successful in restoring structural stability, alignment, or nerve decompression through procedures like spinal fusion, laminectomy or discectomy. The problem arises, however, when the level of pain occurring after surgery exceeds […]

9May, 2017

Auto Accident Injury

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The most common injury sustained in an automobile accident is “whiplash” involving the soft tissue in the neck and back. Occupants of vehicles in a rear end collision are at greatest risk to suffer from whiplash because of the rapid acceleration of the head backwards, followed by a reflexive forward snapping of the head and neck (Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration or CAD). The joints in the neck (cervical spine) can move in a range of motion that is greater than physiologically safe during a whiplash, which can lead to stretch or compression […]

5May, 2017

Cluster Headache

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Cluster Headache General Cluster headache is far less common than migraine or tension headache.  Cluster headaches occur in cyclical patterns or clusters, which gives the condition its name. Cluster headache is one of the most painful types of headache. In contrast to people with migraine headache, perhaps 5-8 times as many men as women have cluster headache. Most people get their first cluster headache at age 25 years, although they may experience their first attacks in their teens to early 50s. As the name suggests, the cluster headache exhibits a […]

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