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7Apr, 2020

Covid-19 Update

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We have been getting a lot of calls from new and current patients asking us if we are still open during the COVID-19 business restrictions. And the answer is YES! We are open. We are however taking extra precautions with patient appointments, including if you are feeling ill or sick please contact us to discuss if you should still come to your appointment. We are also taking additional steps to ensure a clean and sanitized environment on top of our already strict cleaning policies. For specific questions about appointments, hours, […]

31Mar, 2020

Are Trigger Point Injections Dangerous?

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Are Trigger Point Injections Dangerous? Treating chronic pain is something which pain management professionals engage in on a daily basis.  Their patients come to them with chronic pain complaints and it is then up to the doctor to prescribe the perfect treatment to help them achieve pain-free living.  One treatment method is trigger point injections.  Trigger point injections consist of injecting anesthesia and oftentimes steroids into trigger point areas of the body in order to provide pain relief.  The following will describe this treatment method in more depth and discuss […]

7Mar, 2020

Drug Court

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Drug Court is a four-phase intervention program for adults who have pled guilty to one or more non-violent drug offenses and who are having difficulty staying clean and sober. It is a collaborative effort between in the Superior Court, District Attorney’s Office, defense attorneys, police agencies, probation and drug treatment programs. By working together, we seek to provide a variety of programs and consistent supervision geared toward supporting and helping you maintain a drug-free life. Drug Court involves frequent court appearances, random drug testing, as well as group and individual […]

6Mar, 2020

Naltrexone for Alcohol Dependence

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The Sinclair Method for Alcohol Use Disorders is an evidence-based treatment for problematic drinking developed by Dr. John D. Sinclair. Unlike traditional treatments that require complete abstinence from alcohol, the Sinclair Method allows you to continue drinking alcohol at the beginning of treatment. In fact, treatment success depends on the continued consumption of alcohol in combination with the prescription medication Naltrexone. Naltrexone is at the heart of the Sinclair Method (TSM) for Alcoholism.   When you take Naltrexone prior to drinking, it blocks endorphins, the naturally occurring opiates in the brain, […]

6Mar, 2020

Alcohol Addiction

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Alcohol Biomarkers It is well-established that alcohol has the potential to damage the liver, either from regular chronic use or a irregular binge drinking. When damage to the liver occurs, particular enzymes become elevated in the blood. By measuring these enzymes, we can learn about the extent to which the liver has been damaged, as well as monitor any improvement in liver functioning when a patient reduces their alcohol use. These measures are not diagnostic of an alcohol use disorder, but can be an important part of a comprehensive evaluation. […]

5Mar, 2020

Subutex or Suboxone?

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What’s the Difference between Subutex and Suboxone?Both Subutex and Suboxone contain buprenorphine. While both drugs were developed at around the same time, Subutex was formulated first. While it was found to be relatively effective in the treatment of opiate addiction, there was still a tendency to abuse the drug. Many users sought to inject the drug intravenously in order to obtain the high they had become accustomed to with heroin or prescription painkillers. They often succeeded in doing so, giving rise to the need to develop another drug to address […]

4Mar, 2020

Suboxone Clinic

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Suboxone Clinic It is the mission of Fast MD Addiction Treatment Services to improve the quality of life and productivity of individuals and families affected by substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders through the application of scientifically supported prevention, education, and treatment services.

8Feb, 2020

Veteran & First Responder Program

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Who Can Be a Part of the Veteran & First Responder Program? The veterans and first responder program at our Suboxone clinic welcomes veterans of all branches of the armed forces, as well as current and retired first responders, including: Firefighters. Law enforcement officers. Emergency medical services providers. Dispatchers and emergency communications personnel. Correctional officers/probation-parole officers. If you’re a veteran or a first responder who’s ready to seek treatment—or you need advice for a loved one—call us 470-424-8888. We’re here for you.

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