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23Apr, 2020


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What is the best way to get telemedicine today?In today’s world, you should see your doctor in person for addiction treatment if at all possible. So, if visiting your doctor on a monthly basis is not too inconvenient, the therapeutic value of an in-person visit cannot be underestimated. Yet, if you find that it is so difficult to get in to the doctor’s office each month that your recovery may be in danger, ask your doctor about telemedicine. It may be perfectly reasonable to visit your doctor by video call […]

22Apr, 2020

Telehealth Visits

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With Telehealth Patients Can Meet with a Doctor Worry-free A remote doctor consultation entails zero exposure to new germs and new people. Call us today at 470-424-8888.

22Apr, 2020

Suboxone Telemedicine

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Suboxone Telemedicine is quickly evolving to provide opioid addiction treatment to all While there are still restrictions in place in many states, including my state of Georgia, there are positive changes on the horizons to make it possible to provide addiction treatment to everyone in a personal and private manner, using modern technology. “Suboxone Telemedicine” is a popular way to refer to Medication-Assisted Treatment by Telemedicine. Please call at 470-424-8888 to make an appointment today.

21Apr, 2020


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This is what I’m telling my patients. If you develop a cough, cold, fever of flu-like symptoms: 1. Go home immediately and rest. 2. If you have a primary care physician, contact their office and let them know what your are doing. 3. Limit your contact as much as possible with anyone in your home. 4. Self-quarantine at home a minimum of 14 days, or until you have had 5 days of NO symptoms, which ever is LONGER. 5. If your symptoms start to worsen during self-quarantine, call your primary […]

21Apr, 2020


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Depression is a daily struggle for far too many people. What’s worse, more than 80% of people suffering from depression don’t seek out help from a professional. Depression is such a demotivator that many people aren’t able to actively seek help, which contributes to the negative feedback loop of depressed thinking. If you have a friend or family member who suffers from depression, reach out to them today to offer your love and support. To spread awareness of the many different treatment options for mild to severe depression, here are […]

7Apr, 2020

Covid-19 Update

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We have been getting a lot of calls from new and current patients asking us if we are still open during the COVID-19 business restrictions. And the answer is YES! We are open. We are however taking extra precautions with patient appointments, including if you are feeling ill or sick please contact us to discuss if you should still come to your appointment. We are also taking additional steps to ensure a clean and sanitized environment on top of our already strict cleaning policies. For specific questions about appointments, hours, […]

31Mar, 2020

Are Trigger Point Injections Dangerous?

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Are Trigger Point Injections Dangerous? Treating chronic pain is something which pain management professionals engage in on a daily basis.  Their patients come to them with chronic pain complaints and it is then up to the doctor to prescribe the perfect treatment to help them achieve pain-free living.  One treatment method is trigger point injections.  Trigger point injections consist of injecting anesthesia and oftentimes steroids into trigger point areas of the body in order to provide pain relief.  The following will describe this treatment method in more depth and discuss […]

7Mar, 2020

Drug Court

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Drug Court is a four-phase intervention program for adults who have pled guilty to one or more non-violent drug offenses and who are having difficulty staying clean and sober. It is a collaborative effort between in the Superior Court, District Attorney’s Office, defense attorneys, police agencies, probation and drug treatment programs. By working together, we seek to provide a variety of programs and consistent supervision geared toward supporting and helping you maintain a drug-free life. Drug Court involves frequent court appearances, random drug testing, as well as group and individual […]

6Mar, 2020

Naltrexone for Alcohol Dependence

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The Sinclair Method for Alcohol Use Disorders is an evidence-based treatment for problematic drinking developed by Dr. John D. Sinclair. Unlike traditional treatments that require complete abstinence from alcohol, the Sinclair Method allows you to continue drinking alcohol at the beginning of treatment. In fact, treatment success depends on the continued consumption of alcohol in combination with the prescription medication Naltrexone. Naltrexone is at the heart of the Sinclair Method (TSM) for Alcoholism.   When you take Naltrexone prior to drinking, it blocks endorphins, the naturally occurring opiates in the brain, […]

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