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12Jun, 2020

Please wear a mask when visiting our office.

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Please wear a mask when visiting our officeDear Patient,The coronavirus pandemic presents us with a challenge, unlike anything we’ve seen in our lifetimes. As expected, Americans are responding. I am encouraged by data that show our efforts to stop its spread are making a difference.In order to keep the infection rate down, it’s important that we continue to stay home, practice social distancing, wash hands regularly, and wear a mask if you must leave your home.At Fast MD, we follow CDC guidelines and regularly look for ways to keep our […]

8Jun, 2020

Things We Do // Things We Don’t

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Things We Do // Things We Don’tWe DO NOT promote drug use.We DO NOT encourage drug use.We DO stop the spread of disease.We DO save lives from overdose.We DO help lower the cost of healthcare. Fast MD Suboxone Clinic

20May, 2020

FMLA and Disability Paperwork

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Our Doctors fill out multiple types of paperwork for patients and their needs.  What We Do Paperwork for Family and Medical Leave Act- Extra fee for this Short Term and Long-Term Disability paperwork-  contact office for the fee schedule Return to work notes for your time being seen at the clinics.  Social Security Disability Application  Handicap placards for established patients  Service Animal paperwork.

20May, 2020

Fast MD June Office Hours

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Fast MD June Office Hours Monday         10:00 AM TO 4:00 PM  Tuesday        01:00 PM TO 4:00 PM Wednesday   10:00 AM TO 4:00 PM  Thursday       01:00 PM TO 4:00 PM Friday            10:00 AM TO 4:00 PM  Saturday        Closed  Sunday          Closed  We do Televisits 7 days a week(restrictions apply). Please call or text at 470-424-8888 to make an appointment. Email us at [email protected] Lunch Time  12:30 PM  To 1:00 […]

4May, 2020

COVID 19 Update

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COVID 19 UpdateWe’re in this together—Dr. AJ is here to help you stay safe during COVID-19 events. We are open, accepting new patients, and taking extra precautions to keep you safe. Call now to see how we can help: 470-424-8888.

23Apr, 2020


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What is the best way to get telemedicine today?In today’s world, you should see your doctor in person for addiction treatment if at all possible. So, if visiting your doctor on a monthly basis is not too inconvenient, the therapeutic value of an in-person visit cannot be underestimated. Yet, if you find that it is so difficult to get in to the doctor’s office each month that your recovery may be in danger, ask your doctor about telemedicine. It may be perfectly reasonable to visit your doctor by video call […]

22Apr, 2020

Telehealth Visits

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With Telehealth Patients Can Meet with a Doctor Worry-free A remote doctor consultation entails zero exposure to new germs and new people. Call us today at 470-424-8888.

22Apr, 2020

Suboxone Telemedicine

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Suboxone Telemedicine is quickly evolving to provide opioid addiction treatment to all While there are still restrictions in place in many states, including my state of Georgia, there are positive changes on the horizons to make it possible to provide addiction treatment to everyone in a personal and private manner, using modern technology. “Suboxone Telemedicine” is a popular way to refer to Medication-Assisted Treatment by Telemedicine. Please call at 470-424-8888 to make an appointment today.

21Apr, 2020


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This is what I’m telling my patients. If you develop a cough, cold, fever of flu-like symptoms: 1. Go home immediately and rest. 2. If you have a primary care physician, contact their office and let them know what your are doing. 3. Limit your contact as much as possible with anyone in your home. 4. Self-quarantine at home a minimum of 14 days, or until you have had 5 days of NO symptoms, which ever is LONGER. 5. If your symptoms start to worsen during self-quarantine, call your primary […]

21Apr, 2020


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Depression is a daily struggle for far too many people. What’s worse, more than 80% of people suffering from depression don’t seek out help from a professional. Depression is such a demotivator that many people aren’t able to actively seek help, which contributes to the negative feedback loop of depressed thinking. If you have a friend or family member who suffers from depression, reach out to them today to offer your love and support. To spread awareness of the many different treatment options for mild to severe depression, here are […]

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