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1Jun, 2021

Pain Clinic Office Policy

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Notice To All Patients Starting June 1st, 2021, we are allowing one patient( No family permitted) at a time to come inside the clinic.You can call us when you are in the parking lot, and we will let you inside at the time of your appointment.You will need the mask to enter( thereare no exceptions to this office policy). Mask required even if you are vaccinated. Thank you for your cooperation.

18Mar, 2021

Knee Pain – Pain Clinic

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Knee Pain Knee pain is one of the most common pain conditions that we see from our patients.  It can occur in anyone no matter their age, size, or weight.  There are many things that can cause pain in the knee, with some of the more common reasons being: sports injuries, bad posture, car accidents, genetics, and more. Causes of Knee Pain Before looking at the causes of knee pain, it is important to understand that there is a difference in the types of knee pain you may be experiencing, mainly chronic […]

18Mar, 2021

Herniated Disc – Pain Clinic

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A herniated disc is a condition that affects more than 4 million people in the US each year. It is a condition concerning a problem with a rubbery disk between the spinal bones. This disc is soft and cushiony, with a jelly-like interior and a tougher exterior.  A herniated disc happens when the jelly-like interior of the disk seep s pushes out through a tear in the outer exterior.  A herniated disk is sometimes called a slipped disk or ruptured disk. Symptoms a Herniated Disc Although herniated discs can occur […]

17Mar, 2021

Back Pain Fast MD Pain Clinic

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Back Pain AtlantaBack pain is something that can affect people from anywhere and at any time. There are several types of back pain that one may suffer from, including upper back pain, and lower back pain. Our back pain Atlanta doctors can help treat any of these types of pains. The types of treatments for back pains vary, and our doctors are highly trained in the diagnosis, treatment Causes Back PainBack pain is the leading cause of disability in people who are younger than 45 years of age and many […]

15Mar, 2021

Alcohol Addiction

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Yes, alcohol is considered a drug and has a variety of short-term and long-term adverse effects.  It enters your bloodstream as soon as it is consumed.  As you drink, you increase your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level, which is the amount of alcohol present in your bloodstream.  The higher your BAC, the more impaired you become by alcohol’s effects.  Is Alcohol a Stimulant or Depressant? Alcohol is classified as a depressant, meaning that it slows down brain functioning and neural activity – resulting in slurred speech, unsteady movement, disturbed perceptions […]

15Mar, 2021

Naltrexone for Alcohol Addiction

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Naltrexone is one of the most common medications for alcohol use disorder. It boasts a high success rate and is ideal for people who want to cut back, or change their drinking behaviors. Alcohol Addiction Naltrexone is best for: Limiting alcohol cravings Treating physical addiction Changing habits over time Establishing moderation as an option Is Naltrexone For You? Naltrexone May Help If: You struggle with alcohol cravings You are interested in moderation You want to cut back gradually You have a family history of alcoholism Naltrexone May Not Be the […]

Alcohol Addiction
14Mar, 2021

Best Alcohol Addiction Clinic Georgia

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Alcohol use disorder affects over 14 million adults in the United States.On average, less than 8 percent will receive treatment each year.Fast MD’s mission is simple: to make alcohol treatment easier and more accessible, so that more people get the help they need.How do we do this?We use telemedicine, medications for alcoholism, medical counseling, recommend support groups. It’s an all-of-the-above approach, and it’s customizable to each individual.Best of all, everything is done from the comfort of home. No doctor’s office visits required. Why do we do things this way?Because with […]

Suboxone Clinic
10Mar, 2021

Suboxone Clinic – What is Suboxone and how does it work?

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Suboxone, a combination medication containing buprenorphine and naloxone, is one of the main medications used for medication-assisted therapy (MAT) for opiate addiction. The use of MATs has been shown to lower the risk of fatal overdoses by approximately 50%. Suboxone works by tightly binding to the same receptors in the brain as other opiates, such as heroin, morphine, and oxycodone. By doing so, it blunts intoxication with these other drugs, it prevents cravings, and it allows many people to transition back from a life of addiction to a life of […]

9Mar, 2021

Telemedicine Suboxone Clinic

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We only do telemedicine for patients in Georgia. No out-of-state patients. Sorry for the inconvenience. ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! Suboxone ClinicWe are the #1 Opioid addiction treatment center in the state of Georgia. We will help you recover from opioid addiction. Our clinic is in person as well as online. Doctor’s consultation is in person or via telemedicine using your smartphone. We offer Pain Clinic, Chronic Pain Management, Suboxone Clinic, Addiction Treatment with Suboxone, Auto Accident, Pain clinic, Sciatica, Back, Neck, Shoulder, Knee Pain, Fibromyalgia, RSD, Cancer Pain, Arthritis, Gout, Mental […]

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