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7May, 2022

Atlanta Auto Injury Pain Clinic

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Atlanta Auto Injury Pain Clinic Car accidents are a leading cause of soft tissue injuries. Estimates indicate that as many as ninety percent of people involved in car accidents suffer from soft tissue injuries. Workplace injuries resulting from a fall or sudden twist or blow can cause painful sprains and strains that can prevent you from being physically active and can totally disrupt your life. A soft tissue injury is any damage or injury to muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Soft tissue injuries may be sudden (acute) or get worse gradually […]

4May, 2022

Conditions Our Pain Clinic Can Treat

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Conditions Our Pain Clinic Can Treat Our pain doctors offer diagnostics and treatments for a wide variety of conditions that cause chronic pain. Our physicians have many years of experience in the field of chronic pain management and our treatments are performed in a comfortable and professional atmosphere. Chronic pain doesn’t have to hold you back from the things in life that matter. If you’re experiencing any of the conditions described below, contact our clinic. Our pain doctors can help. Arm & Elbow Conditions There are two common arm and […]

31Mar, 2022

Anxiety Disorder Treatment

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Anxiety Disorder Treatment People will encounter situations throughout their lives that will cause worry and stress, such as speaking in public, impending surgery, dealing with a traumatic event, or starting a new chapter in their lives. These reactions are normal and even healthy. Yet, when these emotions persist for long periods of time and seem uncontrollable or overwhelming, then a deeper problem may exist, maybe even an anxiety disorder. There are several types of anxiety disorders: phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), […]

11Mar, 2022

When should I see a Pain Clinic doctor?

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When should I see a Pain Clinic doctor? People develop pain for many reasons. Pain from recent surgery, injury, or medical illness is called acute pain. In many cases, this pain can be managed immediately and will usually get better within a short time.  If your pain persists after the healing process should be over, you might have what is called chronic pain. If the current treatment you are receiving stops working or your pain begins to get worse over time, your primary care doctor may suggest that you see […]

5Mar, 2022

Pain Clinic Drug Diversion Plan

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Pain Clinic Drug diversion control plan Random clinical drug testing.2.Routine clinical drug testing.3.Random patient recall visits for covered medication counts.4.Provision of information to patients about proper medication storage, including not sharing medication.5.Prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) or other central repository of prescribing and dispensing record queries.

28Feb, 2022

Georgia’s Best Rotator Cuff Pain Clinic

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Anatomy of a rotator cuff tear  The rotator cuff is the group of muscles and tendons that cover the head of the humerus bone and connect to the shoulder blade to give the shoulder mobility. It consists of four different muscles that are joined by tendons. Rotator cuff tears affect roughly two million Americans annually. Those who have suffered from a rotator cuff tear describe the pain as nagging and often limiting to their normal daily activities, especially when the activities involve lifting the arm above the head.   Causes of […]

28Feb, 2022

Best Knee Pain Clinic Georgia

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Anatomy of the knee The knee is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body. The knee’s main movements are flexion (bending), extension (straightening), and twisting. There are four bones that make up the knee; the femur, the patella (knee cap), the tibia, and the fibula. Quadricepses are the muscles that support the front of the knee while the hamstring supports the back. These bones and muscles are all linked together through an intricate assemblage of tendons and ligaments. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) prevents the femur […]

28Feb, 2022

Neck Pain Clinic

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What causes neck pain?  One of the most common complaints to doctors, especially pain specialists, is neck pain. Neck pain can be experienced by anyone but is more common in women than men. Neck pain has a number of causes that can either be considered acute or chronic. When an injury has a sudden onset and lasts for less than three months, it is considered acute and is commonly caused by muscle strain, facet syndrome, or a traumatic injury. Chronic neck pain lasts longer than three months and is often a result of facet […]

27Feb, 2022

Spinal Stenosis Pain Clinic

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​ Spinal stenosis is a condition that results from the narrowing of the spinal canal, which causes pain due to impingement of the spinal cord and associated nerves. Pain experienced as a result of spinal stenosis usually affects the lower back and lower extremities and often results in difficulty walking, a decrease in sensation in the lower extremities, and a reduction in physical activity. People affected by spinal stenosis are usually over 65. Scoliosis and hypertension are both considered risk factors. Interestingly, advancing in age makes a person more likely to be affected […]

27Feb, 2022

NO. 1 Sciatica Pain Clinic

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What is sciatica?   Sciatica is characterized by sensory changes or weakness along the sciatic nerve pathway and is also often called lower extremity (L5/S1) radiculitis or radiculopathy. Those suffering from sciatica describe the sensation as “pins and needles” that affect the posterior buttocks, legs, and feet. Cauda Equina Syndrome is a medical emergency involving the loss of bowel and/or bladder control that results from sciatica. Other symptoms that are cause for concern include lower extremity weakness, bladder or bowel incontinence, or nerve impingement. ​ The sciatic nerve is the longest, largest nerve […]

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