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22Nov, 2022

Can I drink alcohol while I’m on medication?

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Can I drink alcohol while I’m on medication? Someone who is in recovery of addiction to any substance should not have any alcohol.  For others I recommend admittedly a very strict limit of two servings of alcohol per week.  One serving is either a 12 ounce beer, a 5 ounce glass of wine, or a 1 1/2 ounce shot or liquor such as in a mixed drink.  Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, so even moderate amounts, even infrequently, could worsen depression.  Alcohol also has negative effects on sleep, […]

22Nov, 2022

How can I get better sleep?

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How can I get better sleep? Following good sleep hygiene is essential for recovery from any illness.  This starts with having a regular sleep time every night and a regular wake time every morning; this keeps your body in a rhythm that promotes better sleep.  Alcohol, caffeine after mid-afternoon, or heavy meals too close to bedtime can also interfere with sleep.  Heavy exercise too close to bedtime may also interfere with sleep but for some people it improves sleep.  Regular exercise in general is very helpful for a good night’s […]

14Nov, 2022

Injuries and Conditions: Pain Clinic

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Injuries and Conditions::Pain ClinicChronic Neck and Back PainAcute and Chronic RadiculopathyComplex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)Disc DisordersFacet Joint SyndromeMusculoskeletal PainMyofascial Pain SyndromeNeuromuscular DiseasesPeripheral Nerve InjuriesPost-traumatic Orthopaedic InjuriesSacroiliac Joint DysfunctionSpine InjuryWork-related Injuries Call us today

28Jul, 2022

LGBTQ Community Preferred Pain Clinic

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Raising the standard of health care—for all It’s our mission to make the most personalized, leading-edge health care accessible to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, and asexual or allied (LGBT/LGBTQIA+) community. Diversity is what makes the LGBTQIA+ community so colorful. Every person (and their biology) is unique, and so every person deserves to be treated as such. It’s our mission to break down barriers and provide personalized, compassionate health care for all. LGBTQ Community Preferred Pain Clinic The key to keeping your personal health and wellness […]

25Jul, 2022

Fast MD Urgent Care

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Out of refills on your prescription?You can now renew your prescription* with Fast MD and it only takes a few minutes! Below is a list of covered medication refill categories: Fast MD Urgent Care Acid Reflux/GerdAnxiety/DepressionArthritisAsthma Inhalers and medicationsBirth ControlCold Sore MedicationsCOPDDiabetesEpinephrine AutoinjectorErectile DysfunctionGeneral Prescription RefillsHigh Blood PressureHigh CholesterolHypothyroidismMigraineOther Refills – Case by Case Basis

25Jul, 2022

Suboxone Clinic

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Suboxone Clinic. You are not alone.Dr. AJ has worked with residents from all over Georgia and surrounding states who are suffering from opioid addiction since 2012. His experience in medication maintenance and detoxification procedures ranges from buprenorphine to methadone. At Fast MD we are equipped to help you break the cycle with buprenorphine therapy. Commonly known as Subutex or Suboxone, the active ingredient buprenorphine will block your opioid receptors, reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms while your brain heals the damage done by months or years of opioid use. At your […]

15Jul, 2022

New Patients at Pain Clinic

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We are accepting new patients. Same-day appointments are available. Call today. “We offer Chronic Pain Management and Pain Clinic services, Suboxone Clinic, Drug Addiction Center, Detox, Auto Accident Pain Clinic Service, Sciatica, Back, Neck, Shoulder, Knee Pain, Fibromyalgia, RSD, Cancer Pain, Arthritis, Gout, Mental Health Clinic Services, Anxiety, ADHD, Depression, Sports Injuries, Telemedicine Suboxone Program, Spasticity, Sleep Evaluation, and Treatment, Headache and Migraine Clinic, Weight loss Clinic, Acne, Skin Care, Buprenorphine Therapy, Naltrexone Therapy, Testosterone Injection, Joint Injections, Trigger Point Injections, Vitamin B12 Injections, Low T, Men’s Clinic Atlanta Suboxone […]

2Jul, 2022

Pain Clinic Appointments

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Because Dr. AJ does not double-book Pain Clinic appointments, that means your appointment was booked exclusively for you. You must cancel the appointment by exactly 24 hours prior to the time of your appointment to avoid being charged a cancellation fee. If for any reason, Dr. AJ must cancel an appointment, the client will be advised at the earliest possible time.

26May, 2022

Pain Clinic Update

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COVID-19 update “We offer Chronic Pain Clinic service(in person), Suboxone/Subutex Clinic, Addiction Treatment with Suboxone, Auto Accident, Pain clinic, Sciatica, Back, Neck, Shoulder, Knee Pain, Fibromyalgia, RSD, Cancer Pain, Arthritis, Gout, Mental Health Clinic, Anxiety, ADHD(in person), Depression, Football, Sports Injury, Spinal Cord Injuries, Spasticity, Headache, and Migraine Clinic, Phentermine and Weight loss Clinic(in person), Acne, Skin Care Service, Buprenorphine therapy, Naltrexone therapy, Testosterone Injection, Joint Injection, Trigger Point, B12 Injections, Medical Marijuana(in person), Voted Best of Gwinnett, No Referral needed. Atlanta Suboxone Clinic. We offer Urgent care in Suwanee, […]

26May, 2022

Pain Clinic Update

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Pain Clinic Update “We offer Chronic Pain Clinic service(in person), Suboxone/Subutex Clinic, Addiction Treatment with Suboxone, Auto Accident, Pain clinic, Sciatica, Back, Neck, Shoulder, Knee Pain, Fibromyalgia, RSD, Cancer Pain, Arthritis, Gout, Mental Health Clinic, Anxiety, ADHD(in person), Depression, Football, Sports Injury, Spinal Cord Injuries, Spasticity, Headache, and Migraine Clinic, Phentermine and Weight loss Clinic(in person), Acne, Skin Care Service, Buprenorphine therapy, Naltrexone therapy, Testosterone Injection, Joint Injection, Trigger Point, B12 Injections, Medical Marijuana(in person), Voted Best of Gwinnett, No Referral needed. Atlanta Suboxone Clinic. We offer Urgent care in […]

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