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What is Hip / SI Joint Pain?

8 years ago

What is Hip / SI Joint Pain? The hip is the largest joint in the body, and is involved in…

What is shoulder pain?

8 years ago

What is shoulder pain? Shoulder pain is one of the more common reasons for physician visits for musculoskeletal symptoms. The shoulder…

Happy Doctors Day !!!!

8 years ago

Happy Doctor's Day to all my Doc friends !! Keep spreading the love and smile while saving lives ❤

Yoga Beats Drugs for Depression: Study

8 years ago

The practice of yoga coupled with deep breathing eased the symptoms of individuals suffering from depression without the use of…

Drug Safety Tips

8 years ago

Drug Safety Tips Keep medicine in its original container. Never share your medication or take someone else’s. Follow the dosage…

Benzos, Sleep, Memory, Dementia

8 years ago

  It’s been 3 years since BMJ (formerly The British Medical Journal) published “Benzodiazepine use and risk of Alzheimer’s disease:…

Ibuprofen and other common over the counter painkillers !!!

8 years ago

Ibuprofen and other common painkillers are linked to an increased risk of cardiac arrest, according to a new Danish study…

Skin Cancer

8 years ago

Skin cancer is the abnormal growth of skin cells, and is the most common and treatable type of cancer that…

Spinal Stenosis

8 years ago

Spinal Stenosis Symptoms: Spinal stenosis is a condition involving any type of narrowing of the spinal canal or nerve-root canals.…