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8 years ago

Successful weight-loss treatments include setting goals and making lifestyle changes, such as eating fewer calories and being physically active. Medicines…

Leg Pain

8 years ago

General Leg pain can be intermittent or constant. It can start gradually or suddenly. The pain can range from mild…


8 years ago

All people with anorexia need treatment. In most cases, this involves seeing a doctor and having regular counseling sessions. A…

Failed Back Surgery Syndrom

8 years ago

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Although some in the medical field take issue with the word “failed” in Failed Back Surgery…

Auto Accident Injury

8 years ago

The most common injury sustained in an automobile accident is “whiplash” involving the soft tissue in the neck and back.…

Cluster Headache

8 years ago

Cluster Headache General Cluster headache is far less common than migraine or tension headache.  Cluster headaches occur in cyclical patterns…

Neck Pain

8 years ago

Who Is Affected By Neck Pain? Neck pain refers to pain in the cervical (neck) region that may radiate into…

Knee Pain

8 years ago

What is Knee Pain? Knee pain is a common complaint for many people, especially for athletes and the aging. There…


8 years ago

Who Is Affected By Headaches? Headache disorders are one of the most common disorders of the nervous system experienced by…


8 years ago

Fibromyalgia Who Is Affected By Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes widepsread muscle pain and fatigue in affected individuals.…