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Legal Disclaimer

7 years ago

Legal Disclaimer This blog pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion and dis­cus­sion about med­i­cine, health and related sub­jects.  The words and other con­tent…

12 Myths of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

7 years ago

12 Myths of Drug and Alcohol Addiction If you have ever experienced drug and alcohol addiction, whether it was your…

Medically Assisted Treatment is the standard of care for opioid use disorder

7 years ago

It was a honor meeting Dr Elinore F. McCance-Katz, first assistant secretary for mental health and substance use with the…


7 years ago

SUBOXONE We provide treatment for opioid dependence and addiction with a medication called Suboxone, which contains Buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine…

Do No Harm

7 years ago

First Rule of Medicine, "Do no harm." Second Rule, "Protect the privacy of your patient."

New Clinic Hours

7 years ago

Please note our new clinic operation hours. Monday      9 AM to 4 PM   Tuesday     12 PM to 6:30 PM(evening hours)   Wednesday closed   Thursday …

How long will I be in Suboxone treatment?

7 years ago

Every person is different. The length of time in treatment depends on many factors: How long the person has been…

What will we talk about in addiction medicine counseling sessions?

7 years ago

What will we talk about in counseling sessions? There’s a lot to talk about during your treatment at Fast MD.…

How does the Flu lead to death?

7 years ago

The United States is in the midst of a deadly flu season. The latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control…

Synthetic Fentanyl Deaths Rise in Americans Opioid Epidemic

7 years ago

Illegal, lab-made fentanyl helped kill at least half the people who died of opioid overdoses in 2016, the Centers for…