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What is my next step?

5 years ago

I have had my pain for months, been treated by my family doctor and I am still in pain. What now? This…

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

5 years ago

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (sometimes also called Carpal Tunnel or CTS) is a syndrome that occurs when repeated activity causes inflammation…

I have had the surgery and I am still not better?

5 years ago

I have had the surgery and I am still not better?Work with your doctor to develop a good pain management…

What is Myofascial Pain Syndrome

5 years ago

Q. What is Myofascial Pain Syndrome? A: Myofascial Pain Syndrome (also known as MPS) is a syndrome where a patient may…

Insomnia and ADHD

5 years ago

Insomnia and ADHD impact the lives of many people and can lead to seriously complicated health issues. Luckily ADHD and…

Men’s Health- Low Testosterone

5 years ago

As men age, their bodies stop producing as much of the hormone testosterone. When testosterone levels drop, men can experience…


5 years ago

Addiction is a major public health problem in America. Too many people neglect seeking treatment for their addiction for a…

Privacy & Policy Confidentiality & Privacy Policy

5 years ago

The law protects the relationship between a client and a Physician, and information cannot be disclosed without written permission. Exceptions…

Have Questions

5 years ago

HAVEQUESTIONS?We offer a personal service. Your well-being is the most important thing we concentrate on. “My patient has severe pain,…

Do you qualify for the Georgia Medical Marijuana card?

6 years ago

Do you qualify for the Georgia Medical Marijuana card? Are you ready to book an appointment? Please read this important…