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Patient Review

5 years ago

My experience has been absolutely fantastic. Dr AJ was genuinely interested in any concerns and questions that I had. He…

Suboxone Treatment

5 years ago

4 Steps of Treatment Through OUR customized model of care, physicians are able to focus on the unique needs of…

Many roads, one journey

5 years ago

"Many roads, one journey." We honor the right of each client to choose their goals and methods. Medication-assisted treatment, individual/family/group…

Auto Collisions

5 years ago

Common Causes Of Collisions Driver DistractionA common cause of automobile accidents on the crowded roads of Atlanta,Georgia. Virtually any activity…

Alcohol Recovery

5 years ago

We help with DUI Cases, Court ordered treatment, Probation and Medical Detox. We assist with the Outpatient Alcohol Recovery program,…


5 years ago

Today Our Clinic honors the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and values his legacy of strength, compassion, and…

Addiction Myths

5 years ago

Addiction Myths Understanding addiction is the first step toward healing. But unfortunately, addiction myths abound, unnecessarily confusing and frustrating people…

Concierge versus the traditional treatment center

5 years ago

Concierge versus the traditional treatment centerAs you can see, it can be far easier and more pleasant to work with…

My pain is not ‘all in my head; why was I referred to a psychologist?

5 years ago

My pain is not 'all in my head;why was I referred to a psychologist?Pain is generally not caused by stress…

What is biofeedback and how it can help my pain?

5 years ago

Many pain problems are aggravated by excessive muscle tension which can strain joints, restrict blood vessels, and irritate nerves in…