Appointments at Fast MD. We will be open for appointments only on Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Please schedule your appointment in advance. Appointments can be made in person(depending on availability) or online. Please call today.
Free Blood Pressure Check Event This Saturday at Our Clinic! We are excited to offer…
Our mission is to expand access to healthcare for underserved communities, including African-American, Latino, Asian,…
Walk IN Office visits for Atlanta Urgent care cost $65. **Restrictions apply. This fee does…
Affordable Healthcare Access – New Patient Program Urgent Care Primary Care walk in Clinic, Suwanee,…
OFFICE HOURS: Suwanee Urgent and Primary Care Monday 12:00 PM TO 6:00 PM Tuesday 12:00…
New Primary Care Walk-In Clinic, Suwanee Georgia: No Appointment Needed!Need same-day care but don’t have…