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Addiction Myths

Understanding addiction is the first step toward healing. But unfortunately, addiction myths abound, unnecessarily confusing and frustrating people who struggle with a drug or alcohol dependency, including their loved ones and physicians.

Below you’ll find three of the most common and dangerous addiction myths. But we hope you’ll further explore our Addiction Resources section for more information on the components of this disease and how to successfully treat it.

Myth: Addiction is not treatable.
Fact: You can treat addiction.

Too often, people who are suffering from addiction feel as if there is no way out. What they don’t know is that addiction doesn’t have to be a death sentence or a lifelong curse. You can always find help, hope and healing.

At TCI, our accelerated outpatient detox provides a highly effective way to begin recovery. Our patients detox in a safe and comfortable environment, and we support their long-term success through our innovative Naltrexone Therapy.

Myth: Addiction could never happen to me.
Fact: Addiction can affect anyone.

Drug or alcohol addiction and dependency has nothing to do with race, gender or education level. Like many other chronic diseases, addiction is a hereditary disease that has a tendency to run in families. Although no one chooses to have an addiction, certain behaviors and choices are more likely to lead to one. At TCI, we’ve successfully treated thousands of people from a variety of backgrounds, including business executives, teenagers, senior citizens, mothers and fathers. And though their individual stories are different, all are united in their desire to break free from addiction.

Myth: Addiction is just a lack of willpower.
Fact: Addiction is a disease.

Just as a person doesn’t choose to have an addiction, they also cannot simply choose to stop being addicted. In reality, addiction is a chronic brain disease that requires intensive and thorough treatment. Once a person becomes dependent on drugs or alcohol, their brain adjusts to the excessive amount of toxins entering their body. As their body’s tolerance for the drug grows, they need to use higher and stronger doses just to function normally. This vicious cycle is almost impossible to stop without effective medical treatment.

Fast MD 4 You

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Fast MD 4 You

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